Residential AC Maintenance

Residential AC Tune-Ups FAQs

  • Does your AC require maintenance?

    We pride ourselves on being the best air conditioning company in San Antonio, TX. We’ll examine your AC system in detail and provide you with the best service and pricing.

    During maintenance, our technicians will inspect and clean critical components of your air conditioner. Among the tasks performed during a tune-up are:

    • Tighten electrical connections: This ensures that your system cools properly.
    • Lubricate parts: Friction from moving parts can cause your system to malfunction more frequently or quickly if it isn’t lubricated.
    • Clean the condensate drain line: Mold and clogs, which can lead to leaks, are removed by washing this line.
    • Cleaning the evaporator and condenser coils: These become dirty over time, reducing airflow and heat absorption capacity.
    • Ensure the coil fins are straight: The aluminum fins can bend and restrict airflow.
    • Investigating the system’s controls: This ensures your system starts running and shuts down properly.

    Between tune-ups, you should perform some routine maintenance on your own.

    • Replace the air filter if necessary: Every few months, we recommend changing your air filter. Doing so improves the efficiency of your air conditioner. If you have pets or someone in your household suffers from allergies, you may need to replace your filter more frequently.
    • Clear the debris: On the outside of your system, leaves, dirt, and grass clippings can accumulate, reducing capacity and airflow. Trim back shrubs and plants that are close to the unit. 
  • What is AC maintenance?

    The practice of keeping your air conditioning system running smoothly by performing routine checks on its components and systems.

  • Why should I have my AC serviced?

    The most important reason is that an annual AC service will extend the life of your air conditioner. An extended lifespan means fewer repairs, less downtime, and lower costs.

  • How often should I schedule AC servicing?

    The best time to get your AC serviced is at least once per year. Scheduling a yearly service can save you money in the long run because it extends the life of your air conditioning unit.

  • How much does AC maintenance cost?

    Annual AC maintenance services are typically priced between $100-$200, depending on your home or business's size.

  • Is there anything else I should know about AC maintenance?

    Yes. The following information may help you decide whether or not to have your AC serviced:

    • Your air conditioning system has been installed correctly and properly maintained over time
    • You’ve had your air conditioning system inspected annually by a qualified HVAC professional
    • Your air conditioning system is operating within recommended limits
    • You’re using the right amount of cooling power

    If any of these conditions apply, it’s probably safe to skip servicing your AC this year. However, if none apply, you’ll want to schedule your AC maintenance immediately.

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